2. High interest rate - Very often, after the introductory period is over, the interest rate charged for use of your new credit card will be higher than the average rate. Usually, it is anywhere from nineteen to twenty-one percent interest, and perhaps a higher rate on cash advances and other transactions.
3. Penalty for late payments - If you pay your bill late or forget to pay it altogether anytime during the introductory period, you interest rate will immediately go up to a penalty rate. This could be as high as twenty to twenty-four percent on your entire balance.
4. Limited application of 0 APR - Some cards offer the 0 percent interest on all purchases made in the introductory period as well as on all balance transfers during this time. However, read the fine print because some only offer the 0 APR on balance transfers, and they charge a high rate on purchases.
5. Tricky conversion period - When it comes time to move from 0 APR to your regular interest rate, you may be charged interest on any unpaid balances from purchases during the introductory period.